Not in R: Elevating Data Filtering & Selection Skills with dplyr

This post introduces the concept of “not in R”, a powerful data filtering and selection tool. Unlike one of its counterparts, R’s %in% operator, the base R environment does not offer a %notin% operator. However, “not in R” is equally important, as it identifies elements not present in a specified set. Note we can also use ! infront of the %in% operator to select the elements that are not among the other elements. This post will cover the fundamentals of creating and using “not in R”. Furthermore, we explore its practical applications in data analysis and manipulation.

Using the %notin% operator, we can easily filter out elements that do not meet specific criteria, enhancing the flexibility and efficiency of their data analysis. This operator is handy when dealing with large datasets or complex filtering conditions.

In addition to creating our %notin% operator in R, packages in R provide this functionality. These packages offer additional operators and functions to streamline the data analysis and provide more advanced filtering capabilities.

two ways to select values not in R vector
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The following sections will cover the mechanics of the %notin% operator. For example, we will explore R’s not in operator by use cases, compare them to, and discuss tips and best practices for implementing them effectively. So, let us get started and unlock the full potential of data filtering and selection in R.

In the code example above, we have a dataframe df with columns for ‘Name,’ ‘Age,’ ‘Score,’ and ‘Height.’ Next, we stored the names of the columns we wanted to exclude in the selected_columns. Using !(colnames(df) %in% selected_columns), we selected the columns in R not present in the selected_columns vector. The result, stored in unselected_columns, included only the columns not in selected_columns.

Table of Contents


The structure of the post is as follows. First, we will learn about R’s operators, specifically focusing on the %in% and %notin% operators. We will explore how these operators function, their significance in data filtering, and how they complement each other in data analysis.

Next, we will examine the use cases of R %notin%, shedding light on scenarios where it becomes a crucial tool for data filtering, conditional statements, and decision-making in various domains. We will explore real-world psychology and hearing science examples where the %notin% operator proves its worth.

Following this, we will compare R %notin% with other operators, highlighting its unique capabilities and advantages in data manipulation. This section will help you understand when to use %notin% over alternative methods.

We will also explore packages in R that offer the %notin% operator, providing you with a range of choices to enhance your data manipulation capabilities. This will enable you to select the package that aligns with your coding preferences.

Moving forward, we will guide you through implementing the %notin% operator and how to utilize it for filtering and data selection effectively. We will use dplyr as a practical example to filter participants not in R.

To conclude, we will share some valuable tips and best practices when working with the %notin% operator, ensuring you maximize its efficient data manipulation and analysis potential.


Before we learn how to implement “not in R” ensuring you have the necessary prerequisites is important. First and foremost, a basic understanding of R syntax is essential. If you plan to use dplyr for data filtering, ensure it is installed by running the command install.packages(“dplyr”). Additionally, checking your R version and updating R if needed is good practice to ensure compatibility with the %notin% operator and related packages. This will pave the way for a smooth and productive learning experience.

Understanding %in% and %notin%

R’s %in% operator is crucial in data filtering and selection. We can use it to check for membership in a vector or list. Moreover, we can use the operator to identify elements in a specified set. Therefore, it is a powerful tool for data analysis. Using the %in% operator, we can easily filter out elements that meet specific criteria.

filtering using %in%
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On the other hand, the counterpart of the %in% operator is the “not in” operator (%notin%). This operator works oppositely, identifying elements not present in the specified set. It provides a convenient way to filter out elements that do not meet the desired criteria.

dplyr filter not in R
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In addition to %notin%, R offers another approach to achieve the same result by using the ! (negation) operator in combination with %in%. This alternative method allows for more flexibility in filtering and selection tasks. In the next section, we will explore the various use cases of the %notin% operator, highlighting its relevance in data analysis, filtering, and conditional statements. We will also discuss scenarios where identifying elements not in a given set is crucial for decision-making. So, let us continue our journey and discover the practical applications of the %notin% operator in R.

Use Cases of R not in

The %notin% operator in R has many practical use cases in data analysis, filtering, and conditional statements. This operator can easily identify elements not present in a specified set, allowing for more efficient and targeted data manipulation.

One everyday use case of the %notin% operator is in data filtering. For instance, consider a cognitive psychology study with participant data. We may need to exclude certain participant IDs. By employing the %notin% operator, you can effortlessly filter out specific participants not partaking in recent assessments.

Another use case is in conditional statements. Imagine we have data from a cognitive psychology experiment related to hearing thresholds. In this case, we need to pinpoint participants whose hearing thresholds fall outside a specific range. The %notin% operator simplifies the process by filtering out participants whose hearing thresholds do not fit within the specified range. This precise analysis aids in drawing meaningful conclusions.

Recognizing elements not specified can be useful in hearing science and psychology. Consider a study where we aim to identify participants who have not been exposed to a specific sound stimulus. The %notin% operator streamlines the process. It can help us to filter out participants who do not belong to the group that received the sound stimulus. This precision is invaluable for drawing accurate conclusions in auditory research.

In summary, the %notin% operator in R has numerous use cases in data analysis, filtering, and conditional statements. Its ability to identify elements not present in a specified set gives us a powerful tool for efficient and targeted data manipulation. We can enhance our data analysis capabilities by understanding and utilizing the %notin% operator and make more informed decisions.

R Not In vs. Other Operators

The %notin% operator in R offers unique strengths and applications compared to other operators like %in%, ==, and !=. While %in% is used to identify elements in a specified set, %notin% does the opposite by identifying absent elements. This makes %notin% particularly useful when filtering out specific elements or performing conditional statements based on exclusions.

Compared to the == operator, which checks for exact equality, %notin% allows for more flexible comparisons. It can identify elements that are not equal to a specific value or not within a certain range. This flexibility is especially valuable when dealing with datasets with varying data types or performing complex filtering operations.

Similarly, %notin% differs from the != operator, which checks for inequality. While != can be used to identify elements not equal to a specific value, %notin% provides a more concise and intuitive syntax for identifying elements not present in a set.

You can better understand its unique strengths and applications by comparing and contrasting the %notin% operator with related operators like %in%, ==, and !=. This knowledge allows for more efficient and targeted data manipulation, enhancing the capabilities of R in data analysis and decision-making processes.

Packages with %notin% Operator

The %notin% operator in R is a powerful tool for data filtering and selection. While it is a built-in operator in base R, several packages offer additional functionality and specialized tools for working with %notin%.

One such package is dplyr, a popular package for data manipulation. In addition to its wide range of functions, dplyr includes the filter() function that can be used as a “not in” operator together with the ! operator. This allows us to easily filter out specific elements from a dataset based on exclusions.

Another package that incorporates the %notin% operator is This handy tool simplifies identifying elements not found within a specified set, enhancing R’s data filtering and selection capabilities. Alongside %!in%, it includes operators like %<>% (pipe-assign) and %??% (coalesce) It is a versatile choice for R programmers for efficient and expressive coding.

By using these packages and their implementation, we can take advantage of specialized tools and functions that extend the functionality of %in%. These packages provide additional flexibility and efficiency in data manipulation, allowing for more streamlined and targeted data analysis workflows.

Implementing R Not In

We can create a custom %notin% operator in R using the Negate() function from base R. The Negate() function allows us to negate the logical values in a vector, essentially swapping TRUE with FALSE and vice versa. By applying Negate() to a logical expression, we can effectively implement the “not in” functionality in our R code.

# Create a custom %notin% operator using the Negate() function
`%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)Code language: R (r)

In the code chunk above, we implemented a custom %notin% operator in R using the Negate() function. This operator facilitates the exclusion of elements not present in a specified set, essentially offering the “not in” functionality in R. Creating this custom operator enhances our data manipulation capabilities.

The following sections will explore various ways to utilize the effectively %notin% operator in R for different data filtering and selection tasks, demonstrating its versatility and utility in real-world applications.

Filtering Participants Not in R with dplyr

Here is an R code snippet for selecting participants who have undergone specific hearing tests using %notin%:

# Sample dataset with participant information and hearing test data
data <- data.frame(
  ParticipantID = 1:10,
  Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace", "Helen", "Ivy", "Jack"),
  HearingTest = c("Audiogram", "HINT", "Audiogram", "Hagerman", "Audiogram", "HINT", "Hagerman", "Audiogram", "HINT", "HINT")

# List of specific hearing tests to select participants for
specific_tests <- c("Hagerman Hearing in Noise test", "HINT")

# Select participants who have not undergone the specific tests
selected_participants <- data %>% filter(HearingTest %notin% specific_tests)

# View the selected participants
selected_participantsCode language: PHP (php)

In the code chunk above, we have a sample dataset with participant information and hearing test data. We created a list of specific hearing tests (specific_tests) that we want to filter. Using %notin%, we filtered participants who had not undergone the specified tests and stored the result in selected_participants. The selected participants are then displayed, helping us identify those, e.g., needing to take specific hearing tests. Alternatively, we can use ! and the %in% operator to obtain the same results:

# Select participants who have not undergone the specific tests
selected_participants <- data %>% filter(!(HearingTest %in% specific_tests))Code language: R (r)

Selecting Columns Not in R Vector

We can use the ! operator in combination with %in% to select columns that are not found in the specified set. Here is an example:

# Sample data frame
df <- data.frame(
  Name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"),
  Age = c(25, 30, 22),
  Score = c(92.5, 87.3, 78.9),
  Height = c(165, 175, 160)

# Vector of selected columns
selected_columns <- c("Name", "Age")

# Select columns not present in the 'selected_columns' vector
unselected_columns <- df[, !(colnames(df) %in% selected_columns)]

# Viewing the resulting dataframe
Code language: PHP (php)

In the code example above, we have a dataframe df with columns for ‘Name,’ ‘Age,’ ‘Score,’ and ‘Height.’ Next, we stored the names of the columns we wanted to exclude in the selected_columns. Using !(colnames(df) %in% selected_columns), we selected the columns in R not present in the selected_columns vector. The result, stored in unselected_columns, included only the columns not in selected_columns.

Tips and Best Practices

To effectively utilize the %notin% operator in R, there are several tips and best practices that can help ensure error-free and efficient coding.

  1. Before using the %notin% operator, clearly understanding the data you are working with is important. This includes knowing the dataset’s structure, format, and possible values. This knowledge will help you define the exclusion criteria accurately.
  2. Use vectorized operations: R is known for its vectorized operations, allowing you to perform operations on entire vectors or arrays simultaneously. Using the %notin% operator, make us of the vectorized operations to filter or select elements from your dataset. This can significantly improve the performance of your code.
  3. Handle missing values: When working with datasets that contain missing values, it is important to handle them appropriately. The %notin% operator can handle missing values, but it is essential to understand how they are treated and ensure they are not unintentionally excluded or included in your results.
  4. Consider alternative approaches: While the %notin% operator is a powerful tool, alternative approaches may achieve the same results more efficiently or with better readability. Consider exploring other functions or operators in R, such as the negation operator (!) or the is.element() function, to see if they better suit your specific needs.

Following these tips and best practices, you can effectively utilize the %notin% operator in R and ensure error-free and efficient coding.


In conclusion, the %notin% operator in R is a powerful tool that empowers data analysts and programmers with the ability to handle data and make informed decisions. Using this operator, you can easily filter and select elements from your dataset based on exclusion criteria.

The %notin% operator is significant for streamlining data filtering and selection. It efficiently excludes specific values or subsets from your dataset. Additionally, using the ! operator in combination with %in% offers another approach to filter items not found in a particular column, adding flexibility to your data analysis process.

By harnessing the full potential of the %notin% operator (or negating the %in% operator), you can enhance your data manipulation and analysis capabilities in R. Whether you are working with large datasets or performing complex data transformations, this operator can streamline your workflow and improve the efficiency of your code.

In conclusion, the %notin% operator is a valuable tool that should be in every data analyst’s toolkit. Mastering this operator can unlock new possibilities for R data exploration, visualization, and modeling.


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