
Extract P-Values from lm() in R: Empower Your Data Analysis

In this blog post, we will learn how to extract P-values from the regression models in R. We will explore the process of fitting a regression model, and then dive into the methods of extracting P-values using the lm() function. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to extract P-values from all predictors and leverage the tidy() function for a tidy output. Unlock the power of statistical inference with the ability to extract P-values from lm() in R.

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wide format to long format in r

Wide to Long in R using the pivot_longer & melt functions

In this post, we will learn how to transform data from wide to long in R. Wide-to-long format conversion is often an important data manipulation technique in data analysis. In R, we can use many packages and their functions to transform data from a wide to long format. These functions include the tidyr package’s pivot_longer()

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testing for normality in R

Test for Normality in R: Three Different Methods & Interpretation

In this blog post, you will learn how to test for the normality of residuals in R. Testing the normality of residuals is a step in data analysis. It helps determine if the residuals follow a normal distribution, which is important in many fields, including data science and psychology. Approximately normal residuals allow for powerful

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How to Create a Sankey Plot in R: 4 Methods

Sankey plots are an essential tool for data visualization in science and business. Whether you are exploring complex data flows, identifying patterns, or communicating insights, Sankey diagrams make it easy to visualize connections and gain meaningful insights. Discover four methods to create stunning Sankey plots in R and elevate your data analysis game!

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r standardization post

How to Standardize Data in R with scale() & dplyr

This tutorial covers the critical topic of standardizing data in R. Standardizing data involves transforming data such that the mean of the data becomes zero and the standard deviation becomes one. This technique is widely used in data analysis and modeling, including psychology, biology, and finance.
Through this post, you will learn about the circumstances when and why we may want or need to standardize data in R. We will also discuss what it means to standardize variables and which R functions are best suited for standardization. Additionally, the tutorial provides a step-by-step guide on how to standardize data in R. Starting with standardizing a vector, we move on to standardizing a matrix, standardizing data in a dataframe, and finally, standardizing only numeric columns in a dataframe.
Whether you are a seasoned data analyst, a research professional, or a student, this tutorial will equip you with essential skills to standardize data in R. These skills will enable you to understand better and analyze your data, paving the way for better insights and informed decision-making.

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