
Python programming related stuff

In the posts in this category you will find Python scripts. Python is said to be one of the easiest programming language to learn. Learning one language will also make it easier to learn another, much more advanced, one. As a Bachelor student in the cognitive science programme I got to take Python courses. However, it was not before I started my Ph.D years that I realized how much use I had because I knew some programming.

For a psychology researcher Python might be ideal since it is relatively easy to learn and there is a huge Python community to get help from. How to build experiments using free and open-source tools such as PsychoPy, OpenSesame, Expyriment, and PyEPL is, for instance, something you could find in this category.

How to Handle Coroutines with asyncio in Python

In this post, we introduce a generalization of the concept of subroutines, known as coroutines: just like subroutines, coroutines compute a single computational step, but unlike subroutines, there is no main program to coordinate the results. The coroutines link themselves together to form a pipeline without any supervising function responsible for calling them in a particular order.

How to Handle Coroutines with asyncio in Python Read More »

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